Following the success of last year’s event, we are excited to announce the second annual Locked-in Syndrome International Conference. It will take place on Monday June 12th, 2023.
The event is free and will be held on Zoom. Researchers from across the world will present international developments in the field of LIS treatments, which can support patients and attempt to ‘unlock’ the locked in. You can register via the link below.
Locked-in syndrome is a rare neurological disorder in which patients are unable to move anything except their eyes, despite being fully conscious. It is an incredibly disabling and isolating condition, and feelings of isolation have been exaggerated by the pandemic. The problem is that fellow sufferers are spread around the world and independent travel is out of question always having to be accompanied by a carer making the costs of travel prohibitive.
The Locked-in Syndrome International Conference is an opportunity to meet fellow patients and learn about new assistive technologies and treatments. You can see the full schedule of webinars below.
All times are in BST (UTC+1). If you would like to join the LiSA Community Forum, you can join the Facebook group here >