
Research Grant - 2004

Research Category: Parkinson’s Disease Award

Dr Qiao-Xin Li was the recipient of Brain Foundation grant funding in 2004

Parkinson’s Disease Award

Parkinson’s Disease Award
Investigating a diagnostic marker for Parkinson’s disease – a(alpha)-synuclein and/or associated protein DJ-I or parkin?
Dr Qiao-Xin Li
Department of Pathology, University of Melbourne
Funded By Hennessy, Keller, Smith and Vacher Bequests
Co-Investigators : Dr Janetta Culvenor, Dr Su San Mok and Professor Colin Masters

Parkinson’s Disease Award funded by Hennessy, Keller, Smith and Vacher Bequests
Investigating a diagnostic marker for Parkinson’s disease – a(alpha)-synuclein and/or associated protein DJ-I or parkin?

Dr Qiao-Xin Li
Department of Pathology, University of Melbourne
Co-Investigators: Dr Janetta Culvenor, Dr Su San Mok and Professor Colin Masters

Brain FoundationThe Brain Foundation is dedicated to funding the next generation of Australian research into brain disorders, diseases, and injuries, with the ultimate goal of advancing diagnoses, treatments, and patient outcomes.

There is no cure without research.